We are committed to maintaining the highest quality standards possible


Creative Resources was founded on May 1st, 2017 in Slovakia, with a vision of providing service development, support and maintaining our business locally, however thanks to our hard work, constant evolution of strategic alliances and teamwork, the results obtained in the short term, enabled us to expand internationally.

Creative Resources has individuals and companies that provide professional services as well as full-time and temporary employees to carry out the needs of our clients. We quickly received recognition internationally with companies linked to large customer bases and developed alliances with large companies offering the same type of service and marketing we provide.

We are a company that continues to evolve, we began with a small office and became a multinational business, with companies whose strategic alliance generates more lucrative business internationally, provides an effective service, and meets deadlines. Our service has expanded to more than 7 countries. Today Creative Resources, strives daily to keep our customers satisfied and loyal to the company, as well as increase our portfolio internationally and position our brand in more countries.

Our company obtains new clients, through our sales department by approaching them based on market research, data access and mail marketing campaigns. Once we obtain a potential client, a project manager is assigned to manage the account and start the project according to the client's needs.

our vision

We intend to be an important company internationally, based on our commitment, responsibility, transparency, productivity and quality, implementing practical solutions adapted to the changes in technology, society and competitiveness.

our mission

To be an innovative company, with high standards of development of web services. Offering a global solution to companies at an international level, through the quality of our solutions and service, with a goal of increasing competitiveness and productivity.


  • Integrity and Ethics

    We provide a social and business commitment, with which we achieve highly successful jobs.

  • Innovation and continuous improvement

    We offer products and services that comply with constant technological, social and competitive change, in order to provide our customers with optimal support and service.

  • Teamwork

    It’s a fundamental part of the growth of every company, so we are committed to promoting and supporting a team that is integrated, multi-purpose and interdepartmental.

  • Service

    Our goal is to fulfill our commitments and we are responsible for our performance in all our decisions and actions, based on a great willingness to serve by and for our customers.

  • Collaboration

    We maintain a constant integration with our suppliers and customers to improve their quality day by day to meet their needs.